El Campo: Good afternoon Stefan! Or should I say ‘G’day’?
Stefan Georg: G’****in’day!!! Woooo!!!!!!! Par-tayyyy!!!!!
EC: Wow! I was going to ask how New Zealand is, but I think I can guess!
SG: Yea, it’s a ****in’ blast man, totally wild. I’m lovin’ every nano-second of it.
EC: That’s great. Now, before I get into the intended interview questions, there are some things I think we need to get out of the way first.. I’m sure you’re well aware of the me

SG: Yea, they’re pretty sweet, aren’t they? Good times, good times. Though you should see the ones that didn’t make it into the papers… wooo-eeeee!
EC: Stefan, are you saying you’re proud of these photos?
SG: Hell yea! What’s the big deal? Did you see the knockers on that chick? Man, I’d never seen anything like that in the US…
EC: The big deal is that you’re not seeing the bigger picture here. (becoming increasingly irate) There are children back home in DC that look up to you- they have your poster on their bedroom walls, they wear your trademark sweatband 24/7, they’ve even started an after-school clinic practicing your infamous ‘ass-pass’ for crying out loud!! What about them?! Tell me Stefan, what about the children?!?!
SG: Wow, well, gee, I had no idea… I guess I never thought of that…
EC: (furious) Well you should!! The next time you go gallivanting through a pub or lighting up at a rave, you’d better think twice! Think about your fans and what kind of impression you’re making on them. You are a role model! Behave like one!!
SG: I’m… I’m so sorry… I just had no idea… I… (putting his head down in his hands, begins to sob)
(a long pause, muffled sobs)
EC: So this brings me to what I came here to ask you. What are your New Year’s resolutions this year for the team – or (ahem) otherwise?
SG: (sniffling) well… I… I’ve got to change… I just don’t know how yet…
EC: It’s about making choices Stefan… making the right choices, all the time. You can do it.
SG: (looking up, eyes puffy and red) Thank you, El Campo.
EC: You’re welcome. And thank you for coming in today, it’s always a pleasure to talk to you.
(SG and EC exchange wayward glances)
(brief pause)
SG: So…. are we gonna get naked now?
(brief pause)
SG: So…. are we gonna get naked now?
(sound of rustling papers, chairs falling over, recorder clicks off)
Check back soon for a glimpse into life on the road for Amy Aubin.
he's SOOO sexy
why do I get the impression that this is the only interview that actually happened
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