WASHINGTON - The defending Capitol Hill League Champion K Street Crooks announced their final roster this afternoon. The 13-man Pink Army begins the 2008 Fall campaign in two weeks and are looking fitter than ever.

The team resigned former defenders Katie Horgan and Amber Lovell in a surprise move last month. The two were cut last season and formed a splinter team called F.C. K Street, best known for its missing vowel. Lovell then formed a vitriolic blog where she posted terrible things including exposing Ben Hoefs and Tim Malacarne as cross-dressers. "Certainly we were not happy with the lack of professionalism from her end after the split," said goalkeeper and tri-captain Tim Snyder, "but we need someone on the backline who can take a beating. We weren't sure if it was her, but after kicking her and knocking her down in practice for three weeks straight, I'm convinced."
The team also signed two new forwards, Stefan Georg and Andrew (brother of Mark) Corcoran. Both were instrumental in the team's final two victories last season. "My brother has always wanted to be like me," said forward Mark Corcoran, "and when I saw he had made his own K Street jersey out of what appeared to be parts of several traffic cones, I knew we had to sign him up. You can't teach heart like that."
The Crooks will start in an awkward position though, with two starters suspended for at least two weeks. Snyder was suspended on Monday for dissent by former captain Dimbiloglu after a scathing post about his white-knuckle grip on power. "I really thought he didn't have the power. But then, the Zabita (Turkish black market police) showed up at my door and said I didn't have a license to write all that and they served me with a two-game suspension," explained Snyder, "it was all I could do not to curse Ataturk."

The Crooks schedule should be released next week and will be posted right here for everyone to see. K Street will scrimmage this Sunday at 10:30 at the Courthouse Pitch. All are welcome.
too bad the fillabuster is in the House and I work in the Senate...
amazing article. I wish I had Tim S's writing tenacity
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