(1850 K Street - DC) As many of you already know, the K Street Crooks logo is getting a make-over for the upcoming season.
Due to financial constraints, the Crooks design team has outsourced the logo-creation process to two locations in California, who have decided to work pro bono. The graphic design team in San Francisco contacted my home office in Glover Park regarding details of the design. Ms. Ai Korube, the main designer working on the case, asked that we collaborate as a team to brainstorm potential designs. Tim Malacarne and I agreed that the blog would serve as an excellent forum to exchange our personal visions.
In the comments section, please expand on your vision for the logo as much as possible. I hope to get back to Ms. Korube by the end of the weekend. She seems to be extremely receptive to any changes we wish to make.
For your consideration,
Any change in logo will require me to undergo a painful tattoo removal or adjustment process.
the logo is perfect.
but maybe we could add cool 3-D effects to the krook
I think we should have something similar to the current logo, but with dragons. Or flames. Yeah, dragons and flames. And a skull. A flamning dragon skull!
In pink of course.
I personally am a fan of the logo like it is and if anything is to change maybe just clean it up a little bit and its not so pixilated.
I like the logo perfectly as it is. :)
I dig it... and i agree with justin.. its way too pixilated as is. Also, we should get the pink to match our jerseys. It's looking a little too magenta right now..
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